Page 30 - Big Ideas Year 9 sciPAD 2025
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The Scientific Method Vocabulary
1. Fill in the blanks using the words from the list below.
scientific method - controlled - dependent - hypothesis
data - theory - conclusion - experiment - controlled
Sometimes referred to as an educated guess, a 				 is a possible
explanation of an observation or established fact.
The history of the 				 			 can be traced
back thousands of years, and today it is a tool that scientists use to carry out scientific
investigations and acquire scientific knowledge.
An activity that is performed in order to test a hypothesis is also known as an
A 					 variable is one that is held constant so that the
effect of other factors can be observed.
The variable which will be measured during your experiment is known as the
After being tested and verified numerous times, a hypothesis may be considered a
scientific 			 .
As you carry out your experiment, you will usually make observations and collect
that will be analysed and used to support or refute your hypothesis.
A 				 is formed after you have performed your experiment and
have analysed the data that you have collected.
2. Identify which of the following statements are true or false.
The first step of the scientific process is testing the hypothesis.

Sometimes, steps of the scientific process must be repeated.

Every experiment should have at least three experimental factors or

A control variable is a factor that is held constant throughout an
Written observations made while using the scientific process are known
as data.

A theory is a hypothesis that has not yet been tested.

Measurements must be made carefully to make sure all factors, except
the independent variable, are the same.
Recording data keeps other scientists from repeating our experiments.

A hypothesis is also known as an educated guess.

The scientific method is a tool that scientists use to acquire knowledge.

When recording observations you should record only those that support
your hypothesis.
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