Page 153 - Big Ideas Year 9 sciPAD 2025
P. 153

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Adaptations of Predators and Prey
Use the word list to complete the paragraphs below.
stings - prey - powerful - forward - hide - eyesight - same
distance - protection - teeth - smaller - larger - predator
A 				 is an animal that kills and eats other animals for food. The animals
that it eats are called 				 .
A prey animal is usually smaller and less 				 than the predator that eats it.
All members of a species hunt the 			 animals for prey, and all prey animals have
the same predators.
If prey animals are 				 than their predators, their small size can be an
advantage, especially when an animal is trying to 				 . Like predators, prey
animals also have powerful 				 and hearing. Many prey animals help others
in their group to escape predators by herding together for 					 or
attacking the predator using their strength in numbers. Prey animals may also warn each other
with calls and signals when a predator is near.
Predator adaptations include sharp 				 and powerful jaws for biting animals
and tearing their flesh. They may also have adaptations that function as tools for killing their prey,
such as 				 or fangs. Predators are generally 		 , stronger
and more powerful than their prey. Most predators have 				 facing eyes
that give them binocular vision enabling them to accurately judge the
between themselves and their prey.
2. Describe why predators and prey have the following adaptations.
Have eyes at the front of their heads. 

Have sharp claws and teeth. 

Can run fast. 

Are strong and powerful. 

Have eyes at the sides of their heads. 

Are easily startled. 

Have an excellent sense of hearing and smell. 

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